
Thanks a lot Willie! Once again, we just love the kitchen, once we finish, you can have my kitchen as a reference site.


Good Morning Egmont/Willie,

Thank you for the wonderful service rendered by your company thus far in installing these beautiful/quality cabinets. I also take this opportunity to thank Gerrit , a professional in his job and it is not often that companies inherit such excellent service providers.


Goeie middag oom Willie. Baie dankie vir julle uitsonderlik goeie diens en werkmanskapkwaliteit. Julle het sowaar alles vir ons uitgesorteer en alles het presies uitgekom soos wat ons dit wou gehad het, ons kombuis lyk pragtig! Ons sal julle definitief aanbeveel vir almal wat ons ken wat nuwe kombuise wil insit!

Lizel & Frik

Thanks very much for the speedy response.The kitchen looks perfect.


Thanks Willie, everything is still on track, you will built my kitchen in our dream home.I really appreciate

the effort and quality you provide in pricing and constant feedback.


I'm very impressed with the knowledge of the staff and your fast response times! William

We still have to do the tiles on the wall but already it's incredible! Jolene and myself would like to thank you

for our amazing superb new Swick Kitchen! Your customer service was amazing!

Tyrone and Jolene